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Melted Rainbows – Gen.3 – Ch. 33

June 22, 2012

“Ecstasy’s POV”

I slowed my pace as Vyo’s house came into view. I was already ten minutes late, if he was going to punish me then being any earlier wouldn’t change a thing. My heels clicked on the sidewalk until the noise stopped, I realized I had stopped. Vyo stood next to his door, scowling at the green grass beneath him. His head lifted up and he spotted me.

I quickly put a smile on my face and walked over to him, his mouth in return formed a smile. He walked slowly towards me with his hands shoved into his purple pockets. He seemed to be in a good mood, maybe he wouldn’t be angry with me.

“Sorry I’m late,” I said cheerily as he stood in front of me, still smiling.

“It’s fine, baby,” he replied, his friendly smile turning to a coy one. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me to him for a kiss. His hands moved up my sides and to the sides of my face as he spoke.

“I’ve got some plans for you, come on,” he took my hand and pulled me to his house. I honestly could not stand Vyo’s house. It was so dull. It was a pale blue with other dark colors I didn’t find pleasant at all. Sadly, it was where I spent most of my time. Vyo insisted, and I didn’t dare suggest we go somewhere else.

My thoughts of Vyo being in a good mood were wrong, once we entered his dismal kitchen the screaming began.

Vyo’s head whipped around to stare straight at me, his eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched, “I’ve had enough of this, Stasy, if you’re cheating on me just fudging tell me! What else could you be doing to make you so late?”

“I’m not, Vyo, please, trust me. I’m not cheating on you. I’m sorry,” I whimpered, hoping the coming beating wouldn’t be too bad. Had I tried to argue the situation would have become much worse.

“Don’t you lie to me!” he screeched in reply, I tried getting away from him as he moved closer but he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the kitchen counter.

His hands clenched at my wrists where previous bruises from him showed. His fingernails dug into my delicate skin causing tears to come to my eyes. My back pushed harder against the counter as I tried to push him off of me.

“Vyo, please, you’re hurting me,” I cried as he continued to push me harder against the counter and grip my wrists tighter.

His eyes were nothing but black as he studied my face, they suddenly calmed down as he released my wrists and turned to face away from me.

“I’m sorry, Stasy, it’s just sometimes you make me so mad,” he sighed.

“I know, I don’t mean to, I’m sorry..,” I whispered as I stepped closer to him. He wrapped me up in his arms and I hugged him tighter.

“Ember’s POV”

“Grandpa, I don’t have time for this,” I yelled as I sent the football flying over to him. 

“Yes, you do. Your boyfriend isn’t here yet,” he replied, smirking as he caught the ball without any problem. He really was an expert at everything sports.

“Gramps, if you don’t let me go I’ll tell everyone about how you dye your hair!” I chuckled to myself as the ball came flying and hit me in the stomach, making a thud when it hit the grass. I grunted and Grandpa laughed quietly.

“Hey! We had a deal that you wouldn’t tell anyone!”

“Well, it’s not like you have some secret you’re holding over my head. I can easily use that secret of yours as blackmail.” I leaned down to grab the ball.

“Actually, I do. I know how you snuck out the other night to see that boyfriend of yours. You’re lucky I didn’t tell your parents.”

“I did no such thing, what are you talking about?” I said sarcastically, suppressing my laughter.

“If you say so.” Grandpa shrugged.

I aimed the ball for Grandpa’s face, but right as I was about to release it I heard a honk.

“That’s my ride! Seeya, Gramps,” I yelled, dropping the ball and beginning to run to away from the backyard.

“Have fun, Ember. You have no idea how much you remind me of myself, you know.”

“So I’ve been told.” I turned around, smiled, and waved goodbye. We really are alike, according to the relatives. My great-grandparents and even my grandma go on and on about how we’re exactly the same besides our gender difference. The only similarity I can really see is we both like sports, but I never knew my grandpa as a teenager so I can’t really say I’m not like him.

I ran around to the front of the house where my boyfriend, AKA the best guy in the world, stood waiting for me by his ugly green car.

“That thing is a piece of junk,” I said matter-of-factly, flicking my finger towards his vehicle.

“Hey, without it we would have to walk everywhere. Be happy for it,” he laughed.

“Whatever,” I replied, a smile creeping up my face.

He picked up my hands with his own and held them.

“I love you, you know. Even if you’re mean to my car.”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s go.” My smile had grown all the way across my face by the time I moved to the passenger side of the car.

“Poppy’s POV”

I’ve never really been the most interesting of all my siblings. They go out every day to be with friends, boyfriends, or whatever. I would much rather sit at home and do other things. Such as using my telescope.

I find it fun, and this is why I’m not always told everything that my sisters’ talk about. They have their big secrets and share with each other who they like and all of this silly stuff. I do talk to them, but I’m just not as close with them as they are with each other.

I get along with my step-dad mostly. He’s the one that talks to me all of the time because he actually understands me. I’m not even sure why we get along so well, but I’m glad we do.

My plans for the future are pretty much non-existent. I don’t know what I’ll be doing. I’ve thought about travelling the world, but I just don’t know. I’m pretty much winging this thing called life.

“Harvest’s POV”

Being the oldest child is one of the best things about my family. It means I can get away with the most stuff and not even be in trouble. Of course, there are the occasional times I go too far, but they aren’t often.

Most people think of me as a big party girl. One who’s out every weekend night partying and getting drunk. It might be just a little bit true, but not entirely. I do go out sometimes, but it’s not my favorite thing in the world.

What I really want out of my life is to find my one true love. Cheesy, right? But it really is how I feel. I view life a lot like a teeter-totter.

I’m just waiting for that right person to come into my life.

To balance my life out.

To be there for me during the ups of life.

And the downs.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading:) This was the last chapter on generation three meaning I’ll be putting the heir vote up really soon! I hope you know who you’re gunna vote for ;D

2 Comments leave one →
  1. zoeh permalink
    January 6, 2013 3:20 am

    POPPY FOR NEXT!! Awww, i’m too late….

    • January 6, 2013 3:45 am

      Ahaha xD She did have a pretty interesting generation planned for her.. 😛
      Maybe someday I’ll do a short story on her ^_^

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