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Melted Rainbows – Gen.1 – Ch. 12

July 7, 2011

I surveyed my children and their friends sitting on the couch around me. Such different personalities, but they all seemed to get along perfectly.

Calico was the ladys man and troublemaker. I wasn’t happy with the choices he made, but I of course loved him and would always love him. Such a sweet boy, if only he could learn how to treat a girl right! It seemed like every other week Cran and I caught him with a girl in his bedroom.. or we were getting calls from the school – sometimes the police – about him causing trouble somewhere. He was banned from nearly all the stores in town! The one thing he did seem to do right were sports, he was good at them all but his personal favorite was soccer. He actually took soccer seriously, so that made me feel better about what he would be doing with his future.. even if he only tried keeping his grades at a C average so he could stay on the team.

Then there was Pima, a singer in the making. Oh, she thinks she is being sneaky about all these performances of hers that she does around town, but Calico has been telling Cran and I whenever he can. Making us promise not to tell Pima of course. She had taken to guitar like a pro from the start, such a talented girl.

Feather.. well, Feather has had it hard all her life. She’s just plain unlucky! Everything she does she can’t get right. She did take to painting easily though, that is something that even if she thought she messed up, it was perfect. We had nearly all her paintings hanging around the house. She even was able to sell a few for a good price.

Coconut, well he wasn’t living here anymore. We sent him to boarding school so I could only wonder how it’s working out for him. We call him almost everyday, but it doesn’t mean we know everything going on his life. I hope he’s doing okay..

“Coconut’s POV”

“So today, class, we are going to learn about….” My teacher droned on.

I looked over to my so called ‘imaginary’ friend Lolli as we made faces at eachother, doing our best to supress our giggles. The giggles subsided as we heard our teacher clear her throat in our direction.

“Coconut, Lolli. Enough talking, you don’t want detention now do you?”

“No miss..” we whispered as we hung our heads down.

It was so nice being at this school and actually being accepted. Back home my own family seemed to think I was a freak! Just because I stuck to my doll, Lolli, like glue. I even tried telling my mom that she was real, but she just laughed and said I had quite the imagination. Little did she know, this school she sent me too was actually promoting and studying kids like me with imaginary friends! They explained everything to me, they were the ones that sent me Lolli in the first place. Then when they just so ‘happened’ to send my mom the brochure for this school it just worked perfectly for her. It being disguised as a school for gifted children and all.

The bell rang and I picked up my books and headed back to my room, waving to a few friends as Lolli and I passed by. Everyone here had an imaginary friend, so no one felt different here, everyone was friends.

“Feather’s POV”

I walked across town heading towards my best friend Autumn’s house. I only had two friends, I used to have more.. but I kinda isolated myself from the cliques and such at school. I guess you could call me a loner, but wherever I go bad stuff seems to follow. You know, like lots of deaths. I’ve learned to plaster on a smile for everyone’s sake though. I see no point in being sad, there’s no changing what happened.

Like when I experienced my first traumatic experience. I was in the 4th grade and with one of my friends, we went out to the beach without our parents knowing..

“Come on, Feather! We’ll be fine!” Lav yelled at me as she ran down the road to the beach. I sighed then ran after her.

“But it’s high tide! We have to be careful!” I yelled back, unsure about this.

Though I didn’t turn back like I should have.. we kept going and leaped into the water.

“Come on, let’s go deeper.” Lav told me.

“I don’t know..”

“Chicken!” She screeched back.

“Am not!” And I plunged deeper into the ocean.

Suddenly a big wave rolled in and caught Lav in it pulling her back, catching her in a riptide. She screamed and screamed as she did her best to swim out but she was pulled under some rocks.

I ran out of the water and yelled all the way back to her house for help.

Though when we got back.. Lav was no where in sight. It was too late by the time anyone was able to get into the water and try and save her.

And that was my first witnessed death, and definately not my last. Funny though, I didn’t cry then and haven’t cried for any other deaths. I suppose I just believe life is to short to be sad. Why waste water on tears?

9 Comments leave one →
  1. July 7, 2011 4:22 am

    O_O Noooo, poor Lav….holy!!! O_O

  2. ksblogspot permalink
    July 8, 2011 7:19 pm

    Aww, that’s so sad! I hope Feather wins heir vote, You are having one right? Because if so I’m totally voting for Feather!

    • July 8, 2011 7:40 pm

      Yup, I’m having one 🙂
      Might be on here or it might be on the forums. :3

  3. Kay permalink
    July 8, 2011 9:23 pm

    Amazing update Rusteh! I especially love the picture with Coconut talking to his imaginary friend. Dunno why, but I think it’s amazing!^^

  4. ksblogspot permalink
    July 9, 2011 2:37 am

    Oh by the way, Isn’t that your berry-fied simself as the teacher?

    • July 9, 2011 6:12 pm

      Maybe, who’s to say? xD
      I didn’t feel like making a whole other sim so I just plopped her down aha 😛

  5. July 10, 2011 2:01 pm

    Oh wow!! O_O “definitely not my last” – poor girl!! sounds like Feather has an interesting story to tell!! I love Coconut too, he’s so cute ^_^

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